Suggestions OF THE DAY To spend or eat here Of 8 to 16 horasEns

SUGERENCIAS DEL DÍA Para llevar o comer aquí De 8 a 16 horas Ensalada de espárragos y bonito Mejillones marinera Croquetas de pollo Pota Blava Tortilla de chanquete Albóndigas con tomate Entrecot al ajillo Pollo frito con alcachofas Prat
Suggestions OF THE DAY To spend or eat here Of 8 to 16 hours Salad of asparaguses and beautiful sailor Mussels Croquettes of chicken Pota Blava Tortilla of chanquete Meatballs with tomato Entrecot to the ajillo Chicken frito with artichokes Prat
Suggestions OF THE DAY To spend or eat here Of 8 to 16 hours Salad of asparaguses and beautiful sailor Mussels Croquettes of chicken Pota Blava Tortilla of chanquete Meatballs with tomato Entrecot to the ajillo Chicken frito with artichokes Prat
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